Give us a call
Give us a call
Just a quick message from the team here at Click on Rentals. We are just wanting to share with you the precautionary measures that we have put into place during this time of COVID-19. We are still currently operating as normal but we have created strict checklist that our drivers need to tick off and sign before and after each delivery. Each of our vehicles has the tools in order to complete this hygiene policy.
Washed Hands Before
Entering Property
Wear Supplied Rubber Gloves During Installation/Collection in Clients Home
No Shaking Hands
with Clients
Ask Clients to Stand in a Separate Room from Where the Delivery is Taking Place
Wash Hands After Completion of Job & Before Entering Truck
Sterilised Hands Once
Back in the Truck
Wiped Over the Cabin, Steering Wheel, Door Handles, Radio, Armrests, External Door Handles and Rear Grab Handles at the End of The Day.
If you are wanting more information surrounding our policies please contact us via the chat box in the bottom right hand corner of your screen.
No Minimum Quantities / Short Or Long Terms / Quick & Hassle Free
When Peter Emerson formed Click On Rentals in 2014 he realised there was a gap in the rental market that needed servicing. We know quality & friendly service is paramount, along with high standards to make the whole process easy for you to get the appliances & furniture you need quickly and hassle-free.
For all General Inquires  Melbourne: 03 9362 1818
Trading Hours: Monday to Friday from 8am till 4:30pm